Campus Sustainability Month

October 2024

Texas A&M University will host its 16th Annual Campus Sustainability Month (CSM) celebration throughout the month of October. CSM consists of in-person events, virtual events, and more.

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Campus Sustainability Day

Oct. 16, 2024

10 a.m.–1 p.m., Rudder Plaza

Visit tables featuring student groups, community partners and a variety of Texas A&M departments that implement sustainable initiatives.

Gather code words and earn entries into our Grand Prize Giveaway!
Prizes include a $250 tuition scholarship, Yeti coolers, Grove cleaning products, Patagonia bags, solar chargers, and more.


Sign up to host a resource table at Campus Sustainability Day.



Since 2003, universities across the nation have been sponsoring Campus Sustainability events which celebrate sustainability in higher education.

CSM serves as an arena for sustainability awareness and education. We want everyone to be effective leaders in their environment, whether that is Texas A&M, Bryan, College Station, or at home. Our goal is to expose, educate, and empower attendees with the skills they need to be more sustainable—environmentally, socially, and economically.