Small changes can make a big difference
The Aggie Sustainability Alliance is a campuswide program that encourages faculty, staff and students to participate in fostering a culture of sustainability. Individuals, offices and student organizations are recognized for their voluntary contributions to major sustainable areas such as energy and water use, transportation, food and purchasing, waste minimization and social sustainability.
The online individual certification is the base of the Aggie Sustainability Alliance. All Texas A&M University faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to complete the certification. Student organizations are invited to apply for certification for their organization by filling out and submitting the student organization checklist. Offices that have at least 35% of their full-time workers individually certified are eligible for office certification by filling out and submitting the office checklist. See what student organizations and offices have already been certified here.
Request a Presentation
If you would like to request an overview presentation for your office/department about the Aggie Sustainability Alliance, the certification processes, and how ASA ties into campus-wide sustainability efforts, please contact sustalliance@tamu.edu
The Office of Sustainability & Campus Enrichment has resources directly into the individual and office checklists to help you in your ASA certification process. You can visit our ASA Resource page for direct links to several of these assets.